Our South Whidbey Community
Community Values
South Whidbey is a beautiful place to live, both because of the land and sea scapes and because our community strives to be a welcoming, safe place for all. We value caring for each other and living cooperatively and peacefully, knowing that living by our values strengthens our community.
Like the rest of the nation, South Whidbey is awakening to the truth of systemic racism and other oppressions. Businesses, nonprofit organizations, governmental agencies, and individuals all across South Whidbey have renewed their commitment to equity and an inclusive democracy. We are centering the voices of those most hurt by the oppressive systems so that harmful patterns can be identified and replaced.
About Us
Solidarity Over Supremacy was formed in November 2020 by a group of Whidbey Island volunteers, leaders, farmers, parents, activists, friends, workers, and retirees who work hard to live by our community values of safety, equity, and inclusive democracy.
We recognize that the consolidation of far-right militia presence at Deer Lagoon Grange is a threat to the safety of our local Whidbey community. There is no place for anti-government extremism on Whidbey Island.
We work to protect our fundamental values and ensure that our community is safe and welcoming.
Now is the time for our community to educate ourselves about the reality and threat of far-right militia groups in our community. It’s time for us to build connection and collaboration to counter these threats.
Let’s step forward together for our deeply-held values of equity, safety and democracy.
Links to Grange Info
South Whidbey Record articles: Grange Seeks Community Support; Grange Celebrates 90th Birthday
Background on Grange: National Grange Vision; National Grange Commitment to Inclusion; Membership Packets